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Transform your workforce with 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams

Real-world success stories of integrating 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams

Read the Stories

Transform your workforce

Featuring real-world success stories from organizations across various industries and geographies, each shares how integrating 8x8 with MS Teams improved their operations. This includes:

  • Improved security and compliance
  • Greater ability to respond to customers
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Significant cost savings and resource optimization


Microsoft Teams and 8x8

8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams is a flexible solution that allows any organization to make and receive crystal-clear global calls—right from the native Teams dialer.

This eBook shares the benefits of integrating 8x8 with MS Teams.


Get your copy of these real-world success stories

Get your copy of these real-world success stories

Get your copy of these real-world success stories

Get your copy of these real-world success stories