To learn more about the daily lives of our Team8s working in different parts of the business, we created this blog series featuring some special guests. Today, we sat down with Rebecca Martin, Senior Social Media and Digital Content Coordinator at 8x8, located in North Carolina.

8x8: Rebecca, thanks for accepting the invitation. To get started, would you mind sharing a few things about yourself with our team and our readers?

Rebecca Martin (RM): I think the coolest thing I can say about myself is that I am a proud competitive adult figure skater, so the majority of my time outside of work is spent preparing for competitions and volunteering for my local skating club.

I grew up training as a dancer, but didn’t start taking beginner skating lessons until I was in my early 20s. Now, I am a two-time US National silver medalist, a US National gold medalist, and the International Figure Skating Union’s 2023 Adult Artistic Free Skate Champion for my age group and level. Oh, and I have a four-year-old tuxedo cat named Beans—she is my baby, and I love to spoil and play fetch with her.

8x8: How exciting! And what do you do at 8x8?

RM: I am a Senior Social Media and Digital Content Coordinator on the Marketing Communications team at 8x8. I have been in this role for almost four years, and I lead our global social media and employee advocacy programs and I am based in Raleigh, North Carolina.

8x8: Did you always know that you wanted to pursue a career in marketing?

RM: I always knew I wanted to work in the communications field. I started out in radio doing sales for an ESPN affiliate, then transitioned into copy editing medical journals and reports for the American Academy of Pediatrics, and now I’ve made my way into social media marketing in the B2B tech space.

I actually used 8x8 technology in my previous role—my desk phone in my old office was connected through 8x8—so I was already familiar with the company before I applied to work here.

Effective communication is so powerful and so important in ALL industries, and I love getting to write and be part of a team that helps bring key messaging to life for our 8x8 social media followers.

8x8: What do you most like about working at 8x8?

RM: I love the people and the culture here at 8x8. I truly enjoy working with everyone on my team, and have been very inspired during my time here by the creativity and drive that my Team8s possess. We always push each other to learn, grow, and step out of our comfort zone, which I appreciate. I also appreciate the trust from our leadership team and that they value each Team8's individual experiences and expertise.

8x8: What methods or tools do you use to stay on top of your work?

RM: I of course have digital calendars, spreadsheets, notifications, and 8x8 Work to help me stay organized and connected, but I definitely still rely on good old fashioned sticky notes stuck to my monitor (and sometimes even my bathroom mirror) to keep me on track and help me remember important things that I don’t want to forget. I also couldn't do my job without Sprout Social for all things related to social media management, publishing, listening, and reporting.

“I love the people and the culture here at 8x8. I truly enjoy working with everyone on my team, and have been very inspired during my time here by the creativity and drive that my Team8s possess.” - Rebecca Martin

8x8: What are your thoughts on hybrid work?

RM: It’s hard to imagine a time where hybrid work didn’t exist. It seems so natural to be able to take a work call or a meeting from anywhere, and I love that hybrid work (and 8x8) enables you to get things done even while on the go. It’s great to not feel tethered to a desk at all times—all you need is a good internet connection to collaborate wherever you are.

8x8: What’s the most challenging thing for you about working from home?

RM: The most challenging thing has been not being able to meet my coworkers in person. I am fully remote and haven’t needed to do any traveling for my role, so I haven’t had a chance to meet or hang out with my Team8s yet. But, it’s always nice to have video-on meetings so we can still feel connected to each other from miles away, and we have 8x8 Work groups (we call them “rooms”) dedicated to non-work chats so we can still have our own “water cooler” catch-ups.

8x8: What is your morning routine for a good day?

RM: My morning routine for a good day is to caffeinate. Fresh coffee with French vanilla cream wakes my brain up, and if the weather permits, I love to enjoy sipping my drink on the back porch while Beans explores our garden.

8x8: What about after work, how do you recharge?

RM: I like to unwind at the end of the day by preparing a nice meal and kicking my feet up to watch a tv episode or a movie with my fiancé. We are in the early stages of wedding planning, so I’m enjoying working on that as well.

8x8: What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?

RM: I have a very, let’s call it “unique” part-time seasonal job—my favorite holiday is Halloween, and I have worked as a Scare Actor at NC’s most popular Haunted Forest attraction every weekend in October for the last 13 years. If you couldn't tell, I like to stay busy!

8x8: What would be one piece of advice that you would give to anyone interested in joining our team?

RM: My advice would be to familiarize yourself with the state of customer experience today and to reflect on the enormous impact that customer happiness and loyalty have on a business. If customers can’t communicate the way that they want to and aren’t happy, they take their business elsewhere. 8x8 technology, including our advanced contact center capabilities, easily solve these common pain points—we are truly here to help improve experiences for both employees and customers.

8x8 is made up of a diverse bunch of more than 2,000 highly driven Team8s determined to shape how businesses communicate and work in today's rapidly changing world.

To learn more, check us out on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.

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Read more in 8x8’s A Day in the Life series: