This guide will provide everything you need to know when you want to call Italy from the US. You'll learn what to do before you call, tips to save on costs, area codes to use and more.

Before You Call Italy From the US

In the digital era, companies are under the gun to create faster, more streamlined customer experiences. 8x8 offers expert advice and information to help you overcome communication barriers. Let us help you stay connected to clients, customers and partners worldwide.

  • Test your internet connection for speed and reliability to avoid dropped calls.
  • Are you calling a landline or a mobile phone? International phone calls can be quite costly with traditional landline service plans. Be sure you know what to expect.
  • What time is it in Italy? Is this a suitable hour to make a business call? Before you make a call overseas, remember to check out the timezone for the city you're calling.
  • If you want to save nearly 50% on the cost to call Italy from the US, upgrading to VoIP might be the right solution.

Learn about cost-effective ways to call Italy from the US. Click here for the rates.

How to Call Italy From the US

  1. First, dial 011, the US exit code.
  2. Next, dial 39, Italy’s country code.
  3. Then, dial the 2-4 digit area code.
  4. Finally, dial the 8-10 digit phone number.

Italy map

Italy Area Codes

Location Area Code Location Area Code
Alessandria 131 Monza 39
Ancona 71 Napoli 81
Andria 883 Novara 321
Arezzo 575 Padova 49

Bari 80 Palermo 91
Barletta 883 Parma 521
Bergamo 35 Perugia 75
Bologna 51 Pescara 85
Bolzano 471 Prato 574
Brescia 30 Ravenna 544
Cagliari 70 Rimini 541
Catania 95 Reggio di Calabria 965
Catanzaro 961 Rome 06
Cesena 547 Salerno 89
Ferrara 532 Sassari 79
Florence 55 Syracuse 931
Foggia 881 Taranto 99
Forli 543 Terni 744
Genoa 10 Torino 11
La Spezia 187 Trento 461
Latina 773 Trieste 40
Livorno 586 Udine 432
Messina 90 Venice 41
Milan 02 Verona 45
Modena 59 Vicenza 444


How to Call a Landline in Italy

Want to know how to call an Italian landline? Traditional, residential phone lines generally have around eight digits. For this purpose, we're calling a Milan residential phone number, 12345678.

Here's how:

  1. First, dial the US exit code: +011.
  2. Next, dial the Italy country code: 39.
  3. Then, dial the area code: 02.
  4. Then, dial the phone number: 12345678

It will look like this: +011-39-02-12345678.

How to Call a Mobile Phone in Italy

Looking to call an Italian mobile phone? Cell phone numbers in Italy have a three-digit prefix that begins with the number “3.” Following the prefix is a 6-7 digit number. Now, let's call a mobile phone in Rome.

  1. First, dial the US exit code: +011.
  2. Next, dial the Italy country code: 39.
  3. Then, dial the prefix: 300.
  4. Finally, dial the phone number: 1234567.

It will look like this: +011-39-300-1234567.

Get More From Your Calls to Italy

Knowing Italian cultural etiquette and typical business practices is crucial to your international communication. When calling overseas, impress the person on the other line by exhibiting knowledge of their social expectations.

  • Punctuality isn't all that significant for Italians, even in the business world. Be prepared to wait once in a while.
  • Multitasking is common in Italy. As new tasks are thrown onto the table, priorities often change. Expect plans to fluctuate.
  • Approach your first business meeting call as a way to develop rapport and not making business decisions. Italians value relationships with the people they do business with.
  • Use Italian greetings like “Buongiorno” for “Good morning” or “Buonasera” for “Good afternoon” and “Good evening.” Hire a translator if you don’t have a solid grasp on the Italian language.
  • Never approach a conversation with rudeness or arrogance. Always be respectful to every person you’re talking to.
  • While calling italy, address Italians by their titles. Use “Signor” for “Mr.” or “Signora” for “Mrs.” along with the last name. Do not use first names unless you are invited to.

Why Use VoIP for Calling Italy

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