Welcome Back Team8s: Arnold Szederjesi

In this series, we are featuring Team8s who worked at 8x8, left to pursue other interests, and then returned to our team. We’re excited to welcome back Arnold Szederjesi, who rejoined our Engineering organization as a Staff Software Engineer in Romania.
Read on to find out more about Arnold and what brought him back to 8x8.
8x8: Arnold, first off—welcome back! It’s great to have you on the team again. What do you do at 8x8?
AS: I am a Staff Software Engineer on the team that works server-side to develop and enhance 8x8’s chat solution.
8x8: Did you always know you wanted to pursue a career in software engineering?
AS: When I was in school, I loved mathematics. It was also the one discipline that I was the best at, being part of a very competitive class. The switch to computer science happened at the end of high school, when I realized that I might not like the future offered by a career in the field of Mathematics, so I decided to do my bachelor's degree in computer science instead. I then got my master's degree, and now I am on the verge of finishing my PhD.
I started working in the industry right after finishing my bachelor's, and even though I changed companies and technologies, I always remained in this field. I love it here and I want to continue on this path.
8x8: What have been some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned throughout your career so far?
AS: Passion for work is important. It is what keeps our blood flowing in the professional world.
8x8: What encouraged you to return to 8x8?
AS: I’ve always loved the projects I worked on at 8x8, and some of the things that had played into my decision to leave at the time have since changed and improved.
8x8: What did you miss most about 8x8?
AS: The projects and my manager, Murali. [ed. Murali Ponnuraj, 8x8 Director of Engineering]
8x8: How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
Arnold Szederjesi (AS): Well, some of my top interests revolve around food culture, nutrition, and engineering. I love Asian cuisine and spicy food, and I’m a big fan of the Star Wars universe. I like other science fiction productions as well, but I love the Star Wars movies! I spend a lot of my spare time with my family and friends, or indulging in some hobby activity like playing mobile and computer games or watching sports. I particularly enjoy football, tennis, and F1.
One fun fact about me is that I really enjoy debating with people on all sorts of things, even small things. Also, we have a pet rabbit that I bought home almost nine years ago and that has since been part of our extended family.
8x8: What is something you’ve always wanted to learn or try outside of work?
AS: I am a big fan of nutrition, as I was saying earlier on, so at some point I may want to do some official learning in that direction too. Currently, however, I am learning Spanish. I am not too good with natural languages—especially compared to programming languages [laughs]—but I love Spanish and Latin culture, so I am learning it out of passion which makes it easier.
8x8: What is something surprising that not many people know about you?
AS: Many times it might not seem so, but I actually consider myself an introverted person.
8x8: What would you say was the most exciting thing that has happened to you this year, so far?
AS: My daughter was born!
8x8 is made up of a diverse bunch of more than 2,000 highly driven Team8s determined to shape how businesses communicate and work in today's rapidly changing world.
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Read more stories in the Welcome Back Team8s series:
- Ramona Cucuruzanu, Technical Support Engineer
- Arthur Henning, Director of Engineering for Contact Center
- Donald Torrez, Sales Engineer
- Michael Gilbertson, Senior Sales Engineer
- Justin Robbins, 8x8 Evangelist
- Adriana Zăhan, Senior Quality Assurance Engineer
- Jeremiah Soh, IT Senior Engineer
- Daniel Schafer-Smith, Technical Support Engineer, Tier 1
- Alexandru Stoica, Senior Quality Assurance Engineer