Welcome Back Team8s: Arthur Henning

In this series, we feature Team8s who worked at 8x8, left to pursue other interests, and then returned to our team. We’re so excited to welcome back Arthur Henning, Director of Engineering for Contact Center, located in Romania.
Read on to find out more about Arthur and what brought him back to 8x8.
8x8: Arthur, welcome back! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your role at 8x8?
Arthur Henning (AH): Of course! I rejoined the business as a Director of Engineering for Contact Center based out of our office in Cluj, Romania, and I feel privileged to lead the awesome software engineering teams working on 8x8’s Contact Center solution.
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and observing my two daughters discover the wonders of our world while taking my wife and me on their journey which sometimes stretches the limits of reality and our mental capacity. For the rest, when I have some free time on my hands, I like to get my body moving by going mountain biking, gardening, or just DIY around the house.
8x8: Did you always know you wanted to pursue a career in Software Engineering?
AH: It was never my childhood dream to work in this field; the choice just felt natural. Once I onboarded on this journey, I was fortunate enough to work with great peers and to have excellent mentors—they all shaped who I am today and where my career led me.
8x8: What have been some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned throughout your career so far?
AH: Be resilient. You don’t know what tomorrow brings, but the right mindset will get you through whatever that will be.
8x8: What encouraged you to return to 8x8?
AH: The opportunity to work with amazing people while building a product that connects customer problems to solutions.
8x8: What did you miss most about 8x8?
AH: The adrenaline rush! Sometimes it can spike too high, but controlled, it can be channeled into creative solutions.
8x8: Outside of work, what is something you’ve always wanted to learn or try out?
AH: Artistic welding.
8x8: What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?
AH: I don't speak German, even though the name would suggest that I do. I have my roots somewhere in Austria, but the language was dropped along the way to Transylvania through the generations.
8x8: As 2023 comes to a close, what would you say was the most enjoyable or interesting thing that has happened to you this year?
AH: I've learned to do more with less time.
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Read more stories in the Welcome Back Team8s series: