- Access voicemails anytime from your phone system or via a desktop or mobile device via 8x8 Work.

Visual Voicemail
Visual Voicemail
Business-class voicemail with transcription and recordings delivered via email make message retrieval and storage easy from your phone or your desktop.
Key Benefits
- Receive visual voicemail delivered to your email inbox that you can forward and share with colleagues.
- Use the do not disturb feature to have calls automatically sent to voicemail.
- Return calls directly from a voicemail message.
- Access voicemails anytime from your phone system or via a desktop or mobile device via 8x8 Work.
- Receive visual voicemail delivered to your email inbox that you can forward and share with colleagues.
- Use the do not disturb feature to have calls automatically sent to voicemail.
- Return calls directly from a voicemail message.
Visual Voicemail Benefits
Business-Class Features
Our business-class voicemail allows you to view voicemails on screen, and choose which voicemails you want to listen to. You can also manage, delete and download your voicemails online, anytime! Listen to voicemails via email, by phone or by logging on to your 8x8 Work Apps.

Get transcripts via 8x8 Work Apps & Email
Transcripts and audio files are automatically saved in your 8x8 Work Apps and sent to your email for you to review. Easily screen and prioritize messages so that you can respond to the most important calls first.
Available anytime, making it convenient for people who are often in meetings or on the go. This is also helpful for businesses with a distributed workforce or home-based call center agents.

Easily share and forward voicemails to another extension
If you cannot listen to the audio right away or prefer to use a transcript, visual voicemail offers an alternative to listening to your voicemail. Receive voicemail alert notifications in your email with audio file attachments. Users can also forward voicemails to another extension in their system to share information or delegate more efficiently.

Store and File Your Messages
Since you're using email to receive new messages, you can easily save and categorize voicemail messages for later use or for compliance purposes. No longer worry about accidentally deleting a voicemail as you are sent an email with the transcribed text.

Other related features
Multi-level Auto Attendant
Call Waiting & Parking
Call Queues
Call Monitoring
Automate and orchestrate your customers' calling experience.
Respond to your callers needs faster with Call Waiting and Parking.
Place incoming callers on temporary hold while an employee or agent becomes available to answer the call.
Enables office managers and supervisors to monitor phone conversations on an 8x8 Cloud for quality control and training.
Multi-level Auto Attendant
Call Waiting & Parking
Automate and orchestrate your customers' calling experience.
Respond to your callers needs faster with Call Waiting and Parking.
Call Queues
Call Monitoring
Place incoming callers on temporary hold while an employee or agent becomes available to answer the call.
Enables office managers and supervisors to monitor phone conversations on an 8x8 Cloud for quality control and training.
Call Queues
Place incoming callers on temporary hold while an employee or agent becomes available to answer the call.
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