Calling Spain from the US can be tricky if you’re using outdated methods. Making phone calls has become simpler and cheaper, thanks to the internet.

More and more companies are turning to VoIP and mobile calling solutions. If you’re looking to call Spain for your business meeting or otherwise, here’s how to call Spain from the US.

How to call Spain, the simple way

To call Spain, you'll need the country exit code, the country code, the area code of the city in Spain you’re going to call, and the phone number.

But, not so fast…

There are a few more things to consider before picking up that phone. It’s important to consider the time zone, cultural differences, and the type of phone you’re calling from.

  • The time zone The cultural differences
  • The type of phone you’re calling from

What time is it in Spain?

Before you begin to make a call from the US to Spain, ask yourself, “What time is it in Spain”?

  • Most of Spain will be 6 hours ahead of anyone in the Eastern Time Zone in the United States.
  • There are a few exceptions like, Las Palamas, which is only 5 hours ahead.
  • If you are calling from the Pacific Time Zone, then Spain will be 9 hours ahead of your time.

What are the normal business hours in Spain?

If you’re calling a business in Spain, then you’ll need to take note of the business hours. While some international businesses are no longer adhering to the mid-day siesta, many still do. Plan to make your business calls between 10 am and 2 pm or 4 pm and 7 pm. However, banks are only open from 9 am to 2 pm. Also, it’s good to note that many people in Spain take vacations in August, so expect your friends or business partners to be on vacation then.

Calling Spain from the US

These simple steps will make calling Spain from the US easy.

  1. Dial the exit code 011. This will let your carrier know you’re going to make an international call.
  2. Dial 34, the country code for Spain. This will convey to your carrier that you’re going to call Spain from the US.
  3. Enter the area code. The area codes in Spain are 2 to 3 digits long. You may take help from the table provided below. Sometimes, the area code might be included with the local telephone number; it will be before the number in brackets. For example, (93) 1234-56789.
  4. Dial the phone number. Following the area code, you may dial the phone number. Spain has 9 digits for their local phone numbers.

how to call Spain from the US map

Area codes in Spain

This table with area codes in Spain will be of help when you call Spain from the USA.

Location Area Code Location Area Code
Barcelona 93 Murcia 968
Bilbao 94 Palma de Mallorca 971
Ibiza 971 Sevilla 95
Las Palmas 928 Valencia 96
Madrid 91 Zaragoza 976
Malaga 952


How to call a landline in Spain

Here’s an example of a call to Spain from the US with the landline number 011-34-93-2468-35790.

  1. Dial 011, the exit code.
  2. Dial 34, the country code for Spain.
  3. Dial 93, the area code for Barcelona.
  4. Dial 2468-35790, the phone number.

How to call a mobile number in Spain

Here’s an example of a call to Spain from the US with the mobile number 011-34-91234-5678.

  1. Dial 011, the exit code.
  2. Dial 34, the country code for Spain.
  3. Dial 91234-5678, the mobile number.

Tips for a Business Meeting With Someone in Spain

  • Be on time to calls.
  • Show humility and respect in all conversations, no matter what the person’s title is.
  • When conducting small talk before the meeting, which is customary, be honest and friendly. Discuss topics like food, family and how the person you’re talking to spends their free time.
  • Do not get derailed if a business agenda veers off as this is common in Spain and does not signal disrespect.
  • Use “Señor” for “Mr.,” “Señora” for “Mrs.” and “Señorita” for “Miss” when addressing the person you’re talking to, followed by the person’s last name.
  • Follow the lead of the person you’re talking to as you negotiate. Be prepared for lengthy and time-consuming negotiations, which are the norm in Spain.
  • It’s respectful to speak Spanish if you know it. If you’re unfamiliar, use commonphrases like, “Hola,” which means “hello,” and “Cómo está usted?”, which means,“How are you?” Beyond easy, common phrases, it’s best to hire a translator for more complex conversations.

Calling Spain: Mobile Phone vs. Landline Differences

Calling a Spanish mobile number versus a landline is different. If you’re planning to call Spain frequently from a mobile phone then you’ll need to ask your carrier about their international rates and plans. Each call can cost double or triple that of a landline call. Calling Spain from a landline phone can be a more affordable be the more economical choice than calling from your cell phone. However, it is important to be mindful of the device you are calling on the recipients on the other end. If you are calling Spain from a landline to a mobile phone, you may still incur a surcharge. A neat trick to know if you are calling a mobile phone or landline is to look at the first number of the 9 digit phone number. If that number is a 6 or 7 then it is a mobile number. Similarly, VoIP phone numbers start with 8.

The cost of calling Madrid Spain

The cost of calling Madrid Spain varies from carrier to carrier. It can be as high as 2 dollars per minute.

But when you use 8x8 phone services, calling Madrid is free with some plans (which means no surprise phone bill for that meeting that ran 15 minutes over time).

Using 8x8 for business calls from the USA to Spain

The right enterprise cloud communications solution can help businesses reduce costs, drive significant productivity improvements and achieve strategic business goals.

With 8x8, you can reduce expenses required to maintain, support and upgrade traditional on-premise solutions. Businesses of any size, configuration or geographic location can benefit from the cost, performance and operational advantages of 8x8’s cloud-based communication solutions. Calling Spain from the United States is even simpler—and much less expensive—when you use 8x8.

  • One platform: One solution for voice, video, meetings, content sharing and messaging on one system of engagement enables your team to collaborate from anywhere, on any device.
  • Quality at scale: Guaranteed availability and call quality around the globe.
  • Secure: The highest security standards in the industry with externally validated support for security regulations and standards including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, Privacy Shield and FISMA.

8x8 can save you time and money

8x8 helps businesses of all sizes solve critical communication challenges. Some of the benefits of using 8x8 are:

  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Collaborate and communicate more effectively and securely
  • Free up IT resources with maintenance-free communications and rapid deployment
  • Unify communications throughout the entire organization
  • Integrate mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops into your communications strategy
  • View real-time and historical data about crucial business functions for faster, better decisions
  • Keep costs low and productivity high, with one easy-to-use economical system

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