Recently, we announced 8x8’s Q2 FY 2024 results. Across this period, our team has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to helping customers realize the potential of 8x8’s CCaaS, UCaaS, and CPaaS capabilities, along with the extensive benefits that come from implementing 8x8’s single platform for cloud contact center and unified communications.

Our focus on contact center innovation continues to be enthusiastically recognized not only at ICMI Contact Center Expo and the 24 Fall G2 awards, but also with 8x8 being named a top five provider in Metrigy’s inaugural Contact Center as a Service MetriRank Report. What I love most about this recognition is that 8x8 received the highest possible score in customer sentiment, as well as the highest score for customer business success, across the 11 evaluated vendors. The G2 awards speak for themselves as a product of our customers’ feedback on one of the world’s largest and most trusted peer review sites.

Our top-down focus on customer success

I’ve personally had the opportunity over this past quarter to hear from many 8x8 customers at our innovation roadshows, and I have been so impressed with the incredible ways in which they’re using our solution to enhance their organizations’ customer and employee experience. Their current, planned, and envisioned use cases are instrumental as we accelerate innovation to drive competitive business transformation for our customers. I spoke a bit about this in this Q2 earnings highlights interview:

I invite you to learn more about 8x8’s Q2 results here, but with this post, I want to shine the spotlight on some of the amazing customers that were featured on our earnings call:


Westminster City Council is the local authority for the City of Westminster in Greater London, England.


The city council needed to improve its contact center efficiency and the self-service options on its website to meet growing community member expectations for fast, effective, digital support.


The council leverages 8x8 Contact Center with 8x8 Voice and now 8x8 Intelligent Customer Assistant to deliver 24/7 support for its constituents. Says CX and Digital Team Lead Rebecca Gordon, “bringing the 8x8 Intelligent Customer Assistant to life in our environment was very easy because it’s already integrated with our existing 8x8 Contact Center system.”


The city council is consistently seeing 80% - 100% resolution rates, far exceeding expectations, and has significantly reduced the call volume to its contact center so that employees can be of greater assistance with community members’ more complex issues.


Acer is one of the world's top technology companies serving customers in more than 160 countries. The company’s 7,500+ employees design, sell, and support a wide variety of computing products, including chromebooks, notebooks, desktops, monitors, and products for gamers and creators.


The technology company lacked SMS and WhatsApp support options for its customers, and was looking for the right AI solution for contact center automation to reduce its support workload and better enable its live agents.


Acer leverages 8x8 Work, 8x8 Contact Center, and now 8x8’s Intelligent Customer Assistant to deliver an effective self-service offering. “We chose 8x8 Intelligent Customer Assistant over other vendors because of its robust features and ease of use,” notes Acer Program Manager Gary Boucher. “The overall simplicity belies its complexity on the back end. Additionally, it offers us the option to escalate to live assistance, when necessary, with a seamless handoff from the automated interaction to the contact center agent.”


Benefits for Acer included reduced agent workloads, increased employee engagement, and built-in, comprehensive analytics to prove the value of and continuously improve the company’s support offerings. Read more here.

A look at two new customers in Q2


Somerset Bridge Group is an innovative, customer-focused insurance group ranked in the top 20 of UK insurance brokers.

How it’s using 8x8

The insurance group is using 8x8 Platform with 8x8 Contact Center and 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams to empower their employees, including 300+ contact center agents, to effectively support more than 400,000 customers.

Why 8x8?

  • Single cloud platform for contact center and unified communications
  • Global Reach capabilities including South Africa
  • Omnichannel contact center
  • Native-feeling integrations and platform-wide analytics
  • Long-term relationship with the partner

Many thanks to 8x8 channel partners Westcon International, Ltd and Blackstar Communications for bringing together this exceptional Q2 win.


Logic Dialog delivers intelligent service automation, powered by conversational AI, that drives operational efficiencies and delivers exceptional customer experiences.

How it’s using 8x8

The technology provider is utilizing 8x8’s CPaaS omnichannel communication solutions including SMS, WhatsApp Business, and Video APIs to engage with customers on the channel of their choice.

Why 8x8?

  • Strategic partnership opportunity as 8x8 CPaaS and Logic Dialog have complementary products
  • 8x8’s extensive range of omnichannel communication solutions
  • 8x8’s personalized level of service (some key competitors only offer their APIs as is, whereas 8x8 offers commercial and solution engineering support)

Customers like Somerset Bridge Group and Logic Dialog are the definition of how 8x8’s CCaaS, UCaaS, and CPaaS, solutions are driving differentiating employee and customer experiences across every industry. Thank you for sharing your 8x8 journeys with us.

I also want to express my gratitude to all of our valued customers, our dedicated employees and partners—including our growing number of Technology Partner Ecosystem partners—and our supportive shareholders for their ongoing commitment to 8x8. It is inspiring to sit among high-quality teams working to transform the way businesses engage with their customers.

Sam Wilson

CEO, 8x8